
Story Power

The sun has set. Your room has grown dark and is dimly lit by the bedside lamp as you crawl in under the covers and pull them up to your chin. You are five years old and your mum or dad sits beside you on the bed and opens your favourite book. The part of the day you waited for the most. It’s time for a story.

There is only one of you

The difficulty we face in our current 24/7 world is determining the subjectivity of what we hear or see to determine just how objective the information is before the next news cycle rolls around. What biases already exist in the teller of the story? What of our own biases when we seek to interpret what is being said? Part of the problem lies in the concrete nature arguments are put. It is either one or the other.

Why force change?

Any change that is forced, that is foisted is fraught with danger, both for the employer and more so for the employee. If an organisation cannot clearly outline the benefits for the change for the individual the organisation could find itself hoist upon its own petard in venturing down the change path purely for financial and economical gain.